Equine Recurrent Uveitis

Equine Recurrent Uveitis

Equine Recurrent Uveitis Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU). ERU, also known as moon blindness, iridocyclitis, or periodic ophthalmia is a chronic immune-mediated disease characterized by recurrent inflammation within a portion of the eye called the uvea. Just one or both...


This is the partial or complete loss of the ability to sweat that may come on suddenly or gradually. The inability to sweat properly happens to horses of all breeds and ages and is most common in hot/humid environments. Since horses release about 65% of their heat by...

Tying Up / Azoturia

Tying up (muscle tension/spasm) involves chronic tension in the horse’s muscles due to overwork. When the muscles are active, they produce lactate as part of their normal metabolism. Too much lactate causes lactic acidosis, a lowering of the pH in the muscles...


Infection in the lymphatic system, usually in the legs. The bacteria get into the body by small cuts or scrapes, and invade the lymphatic tracts.  As the bacteria move through the lymphatic system, they cause the vessels to become inflamed. Since the bacteria grow so...

Lacerations / Puncture Wounds

SYMPTOMS Horse is found with a bleeding wound, and/or gaping skin Swelling may be present May be lame, weight bearing or non-weight bearing on an injured leg FIRST AID If area is still bleeding at a steady stream, apply pressure to the area or bandage If there is not...